“Rauma maritime museum acquires, conserves, researches, communicates and exhibits maritime heritage in and around Rauma.
The collections include, among others:
- objects such as navigational instruments, scaale models and sailors' souvenirs
- photographs and films, including personal pictures from individual sailors' collections
- official documents such as ship and cargo certificates
- personal documents such as letters and diaries
- voice and video recordings of oral history interviews
These sailmakers' needles and a wooden container made in ca. 1910 once belonged to a seaman who served on barque Hermes of Rauma. RMM476.

The collections include a number of oral history interviews, a few of them on video. This interview with Johan Snellman, a shipbuilder, was recorded in 2014.
Focal themes in Rauma maritime museum's collections, as determined by Finnish museums network for collection-realted co-operation (TAKO), are seamen's profession and education of seafarers.
In 2013, Rauma maritime museum documented the making of a traditional sailor tattoo in Needle Point Tattoo.
